Faith Formation Team
Faith Formation Facilitator: Susan Berdusco
Faith Formation Coordinator: Sandi Wilcox
Staff: Crystal Wadlegger
Marc Tremblay
Steve Planeta
Jennifer Wadlegger
North Thompson Faith Formation Team
Greetings from the North Thompson Faith Formation Team! The Parishes of St. George in Barriere and St. James in Clearwater are excited to present our new Faith Formation team and programs to share our faith with our Parishes youth and children. Our journey began with learning about our new roles, fulfilling policy and safety protocols, gathering resources, and meeting with our parents and children.
We were generously supported and encouraged throughout this process by Susan Berdusco as faith formation facilitator and we are so grateful for her guidance and help. We are blessed with three amazing teachers and 8 delightful students enrolled in our program.
Marc Tremblay from St. George Parish in Barriere is the leader for our youngest group of three children working on the Grade 2 “Blessed” program. Two of the children will be preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion.
Crystal Wadlegger, from St. James Parish in Clearwater is leader for our three children doing the Grade 6 “Christ our Life” program.
Steve Planeta also from St. James Parish in Clearwater is the leader for our two youth using the “Decision Point” program as they journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Right after our first class the new restrictions were made on gatherings. Again we had a steep learning curve as we set up Zoom platforms and moved to virtual classes. Despite the expected technical glitches and spotty internet in the more remote areas in the North Thompson we continued our classes on line and are now entered into our two week Christmas break.
North Thompson Faith Formation Co-ordinator
Sandi Wilcox